A Productive Year in Public Service

The Collier County Clerk’s Office celebrated 100 years of service by hosting a Centennial Reception, where several local dignitaries,
staff, and their families took part.
We encountered many challenges for FY 2023, but still, our office showed its resiliency and adaptability as we continued to pursue excellence in providing essential services to the public, even in times of crisis and disaster. I am very proud of what our team has achieved in engaging our residents and building new relationships with community partners while continuing to upgrade our systems. On a statewide level, we are proud to advocate for best practices in budgeting and systems. Here are a few of our accomplishments this year.
Community Outreach and Events
I was honored to be invited to present to our citizens at multiple luncheons, gatherings, events, and seminars. In total, we were invited to 31 speaking engagements and were able to reach over 1,220 citizens this year. Meeting and engaging in worthwhile discussions with our community is always a pleasure.
We also successfully organized several events for our community, including the Third Annual Valentine’s Day Wedding and Vow Renewal Ceremony, the Sixth Annual Operation Green Light, and our annual Passport Saturday event. In celebration of Collier County’s Centennial Anniversary, our office showcased a Centennial Display at our courthouse atrium from May 8 through the December holidays along with a successful Centennial Reception.
We continue to partner with Ave Maria Law to provide six internships for law students in our Court Division. We also continue to host Collier programs, including Youth Leadership Collier, Leadership Collier, 4-H Know Your Government, and many school groups. These programs encourage community engagement and improve understanding of the Clerk’s Office, other Constitutional Offices, and County Government.
System Upgrades
This year, we implemented a new Jury Management System that automated the overall process for the convenience of jurors, judges, and attorneys. A new Legal Notices website is currently in production, which will make Collier County among the first in the state to launch its own website where the public will be able to view legal notices related to tax deeds, the Value Adjustment Board (VAB), and county/municipal legal notices. We also recently launched our new modern official records web page that you can view at collierclerk.com.
In conjunction with county staff, we completed a project to modernize the County’s Financial SAP software. Leveraging that foundation, sweeping changes are now underway to automate and update human resources and payroll processes which will increase efficiencies and reduce staff time.
Our team has been publishing “How To” video tutorials on our website, which are freely accessible to the public. Please check these videos if you find yourself lost and confused about acquiring some of our services and navigating through our website.

Clerk Crystal Kinzel received a Recognition of Excellence certificate in all the 10 Best Practices categories at the Third Annual Best
Practices Excellence Program.
Awards and Recognitions
I was honored to be appointed by Florida Senate President Kathleen Passidomo to serve a two-year term on the Florida CCOC Executive Council. The Clerk’s Office has now acquired the trifecta of recognition: the GFOA award for PAFR reporting, the ACFR Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, placing us at the top of our peers. The FCCC also recognized our office for excellence in all 10 Best Practices categories at the Third Annual Best Practices Excellence Program.
Lastly, I want to extend my gratitude to our community for their support of our projects and events and to our office staff for their commitment to providing quality services to the citizens of Collier County. Looking forward, our team is ready to make 2024 another productive year.