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Guest Writer

Are You Election Ready?



Collier County is well known for its active participation in elections and during the last presidential election, Collier County led the state with over 90 percent of voters casting a ballot.

Are you election-ready? The primary and general elections are quickly approaching, and it is my goal as your Supervisor of Elections to ensure you are ready to participate!

During the primary election, electors will vote for local, state, and federal representatives (outside of the presidency) within their party affiliations. In addition, voters will see nonpartisan contests including judges, school board members, and a local referendum depending on their voting jurisdiction.

Because Florida is a closed primary state, voters can only vote within their party in partisan contests. The winning candidates of the primary election, who see opposition from another party, will then move on to the general election ballot in November.

Universal primaries are the exception to closed primaries. A universal primary is a contest in the primary election in which all candidates have the same party affiliation and will not see opposition during the general election. During a universal primary, all qualified electors may vote regardless of their party affiliation.


  • Voter Registration/Party Affiliation Change Deadline: July 22

  • Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Deadline: 5 p.m. on August 8

  • Early Voting: August 10-17 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. daily

  • Election Day: August 20

The General Election ballot will list the candidates for the presidency and the winning candidates of the August primary election. During this election, voters will have the opportunity to vote for a candidate regardless of their political party affiliation.

Voters will also vote on state amendments and – based on their jurisdiction – voters will see judicial retention questions, local referenda, and special district seats such as mosquito control and fire districts.

We encourage voters to use the resources offered on our website, to help prepare them to vote this year. On our website, voters can check their voter registration status to ensure it is up-to-date; download their sample ballot to mark and bring with them to the polls; and look up their polling place if they choose to vote on Election Day.


  • Voter Registration Deadline: October 7

  • Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Deadline: 5 p.m. on October 24

  • Early Voting: October 21-November 2 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. daily

  • Election Day: November 5



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